Welcome Juhaina

We would like to welcome Juhaina who has joined us in Admin in LC3. She will be working on many tasks including running the school shop. Please direct any clothing queries to Juhaina. jaa.alshihi@abisoman.com.

IB week-end workshop at ABIS

It was a very busy week-end for ABIS teachers as we participated in an IB in-school workshop on Approaches to Learning skills. Led by Ms Amor Vieira, an IB teacher from Spain, the staff discussed the fuve categories of 21st century skills (communication, social,...

The Farm visit

For our Unit Of inquiry we decided to visit a working Farm. We saw cows, goats, sheep and a donkey. The students asked lots of questions and gained an understanding about where their food comes from. We were provided with a wonderful lunch of chicken, rice, salad and...