Voices, Choices and Ownership.

Planning is well underway for our teams as they worked together to plan their meals and recipes. Social skills were put into action as members worked together cooperatively to ensure everyone was listened to, and decisions were made to ensure their team has the best...

Announcing The Great Grade 5 Cook Off 2023!

On Monday 12th June all Grade 5 students will be participating in a Cook Off event related to our Unit of Inquiry: How We Organise Ourselves. We have been exploring the Central Idea: Food can go through many stages and journeys to reach our table. We are now putting...

Food Journeys led us to Sohar Port!

With many thanks to SOHAR Port and Freezone and C. Steinweg Oman LLC, Grade 5 students had the opportunity to find out just how important Sohar Port is when it comes to shipping in Oman. This was an amazing experience for everyone as we learned about how cargo is...

Where in the World?

This week we were digging deep to find out where products came from. Students were asked to examine the packaging on a number of items that had been purchased in Lulus to identify the countries of origin and production and to show on a map how far these products had...

Food Glorious Food!

Thank you to those of you who came along to support our final assembly for this academic year! We hope you enjoyed our poetry. We have started our final Unit of Inquiry and the focus is on food and the journeys it takes to get to us. We started off with a shocking...