My Grandfather’s farm

Grade2 conducted an activity on the grandfather’s farm lesson where students expressed the need to connect to and maintain the land through the culture unit. The students brought in different kinds of fruit and then made the delicious fruit salad, it was a...

I love my parents.

The second graders at the end of the reading class (I love my mom and dad) write down the characteristics of both mother and father, what they like and what they hate, and expressed it beautifully, and eventually the students enjoyed coloring it.

One Hand Cannot Clap

Through our lessons, students learned about the importance of cooperation and that in unity lies our strength and that in disunity lies our weakness. Students enjoyed a practical activity to do so and expressed it with wonderful titles and sentences of their creation...

My grandfather’s farm!

The students in grade2 studied about kind of animals and plants in the farm. Then they displayed a sample of a farm made by him.its very interesting when you see their interaction with this lesson.