Oman Week

Dear Families, Primary students had a very exciting week! Classes across grades K1 – G6 had many special celebrations for Oman Week.  Students arrived wearing special Omani colours and clothes on Sunday to kick off the week. Students had field trips, completed...

Parents back on campus for SLCs

Dear Primary Families, How wonderful it was to have parents back on campus yesterday and today for our Student Led Conferences.  The children were very excited about sharing their learning with their parents and introducing them to their teachers.  I saw a lot of very...

And Finally We Shall Meet!

Dear Families, I am excited about the upcoming week at ABIS.  After 2+ years of parents not being allowed on campus, we are finally able to begin inviting you back.  Having been here for 1.5 years myself and still not knowing the parent community well, I very much...

Happy Teacher’s Day and SLCs

Dear Families, As today was Teacher’s Day, I wish to extend a huge thank you to all classroom teachers and assistants who work so hard every day to make learning a positive experience for all of our children.  The passion and energy dedicated to their work is...

A short but happy week

Dear Families, It was so wonderful to have all the Primary students back on campus this week!  Teachers were thrilled to welcome them back into classrooms, and students were very happy to be back in their familiar environments, learning and playing with their...