Introduction to DP

It has been a fulfilling week to start the year. Together the new DP students discussed and determined a dual focus for their English language and literature course. We have decided to explore a course around the central themes of love and relationships and the abuse...

Film time

For the remaining two weeks of the school year, the grade 10s have been making a Hollywood adaptation of the drama we have studied. It’s been fun and challenging as we work our way through language choices, filming choices, and acting choices. Nonetheless, it...

End of Year Exams

The grade 11 end-of-year exams are now finished. It has been an intense week, but the students should have a well deserved break this weekend. On June 2nd, the students will receive a report card with their mock exam grades and when the reports are released the...

Preparing for End of Year Exams

The end-of-year exams start next week. Courses taken through Pamoja will have their assessments on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. With the rest of their exams starting on Thursday, May 16th. There are many things that students can be doing to consolidate their learning...

End of year exams

Early next week, I will be releasing the end-of-year exam schedule to the students. We are quickly approaching the end of DP year one. The end-of-year exams will be used to determine predicted grades used for university searching. These are not the official projected...