Singing in the Rain

This week was very short due to the rain.  I hope everyone stayed safe and enjoyed the extra time off.  As last week, we had a holiday on Thursday, we will highlight the field trip G4 took to Saara Oasis in Al Buraimi.   Students had the opportunity to visit a Umm-Al...

Round II Week 4: 2+ 2 = 5

Greeting Math Maestros- Another great week has come and gone.  This week some of us practiced our skills comparing 3- digit numbers and others practiced their skills with subitizing- where our brains see how many objects are in a set instantly.

Week 20: Ahoy Matyes

Welcome Aboard This week we were honored to have Captain Ahmed Hamby visit our class to teach us about chart navigation, seamanship lingo, and a few important knots to know on board a ship.  The kids were at full attention and enjoyed all he shared.  As his time came...

ASA: 2+2=5

In hopes of sharing our love of math, the ASA 2+2=5 has been launched for the second time.  In this after-school activity, students have thad he opportunity to further their practice and inquiries.  We pull out manipulatives, play games, line ourselves up using a...