This past week, the grade 8 science class continued their studies of cell division and growth. In a hands-on laboratory activity, students extracted DNA from strawberry cell nuclei to gain a deeper understanding of what lies within the nucleus. Being able to visualize DNA helped reinforce its crucial role in mitosis and passing genetic information to new cells.

Building upon knowledge of the cell cycle and mitosis, next week’s lessons will explore how unregulated cell division can lead to cancerous tumors. The class will learn about the various hallmarks of cancer, including mutations that disrupt normal cell cycle checkpoints and cause cells to multiply out of control. 

Additionally, the types and causes of several major cancers will be introduced. Presentations and discussions aim to shed light on cancer prevalence, risk factors, screening and some of the exciting new treatment approaches under research. While the topic brings complexity, increasing cancer literacy is an important part of the MYP sciences curriculum.