This marks our second year of participation in the Model United Nations conferences happening in the Arabian Peninsula. We at ABIS are an up and coming program involving 21 student delegates this year Grades 9 – 12. This year we are participating in two MUN conferences, one locally in Muscat (November) and a large regional conference in Qatar (January). Countries world-wide have been assigned to our delegates, ranging from Honduras, India, South Korea, and Myanmar.
Recently ABIS students applied for leadership roles at the MUN Qatar conference, which resulted in five students being awarded positions including, 2 judges, 2 student officers, and 1 press corp.
Global citizenship is central to MUN. Our ABIS delegates will become “experts” to the issues facing the diverse range of 21 countries we are assigned to, and try to come up with and write resolutions, and amendments towards the goal of solving issues facing the world today.
Best of luck to our 2016-17 MUN Team!