How do we make Fractions, Decimals, & Percents something remotely interesting, meaningful, and possibly even make a difference in the process? Why not have a fundraiser?
G7 students are collecting data, calculating costs, percent mark-up, projected profits, and comparing these to actual profits based around a fundraiser. All data and calculations were collected and shared with classmates as they determined fair prices of the items they were selling. Throughout this process, students used their knowledge of math, estimation, and creativity as they learned the actual value of and how to make quiche, lemon muffins, brownies, cookies, fruit smoothies, lemonade, origami, and more. What could be a more enjoyable way of learning how to use fractions, decimals, and percents? 

With that, we will be donating all profits to two worthy organizations. One is to Maher Orphanage in India to which our G10 class plans to visit in May. The other is to a micro-financing organization called Kiva. Kiva will allow us to set-up an account, and make loans that change lives. More to come about Kiva in future posts.

Please come to our next fundraiser on Tuesday, April 19th!