Students in 9th-grade science have embarked on an exploration of human metabolism with their first unit on digestion. Over the past week, they have taken a journey through the anatomical structures and chemical processes that break down food inside the body.
Along the way, they’ve learned terminology associated with each part of the digestive system, from the mouth and esophagus to the stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, and beyond. Interactive models and diagrams helped bring the otherwise “inside” system to life. Most notable was tracking the movement and changing the content of food from one part of the tract to the next.
This foundation in digestion fundamentals sets the stage for some hands-on learning coming up. Next week includes practical lessons testing the properties of common foods like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Students will use chemical indicators to observe the presence of nutrients and organic compounds. This will help solidify their understanding of how different foods are processed and absorbed.
It’s exciting to see a new group of students delving deeper into human biology. The digestive system is crucial to health and metabolism, so gaining this fundamental knowledge provides an important stepping stone for further biomedicine topics.