What a remarkable transformation I’ve seen in you all over this year! When we first started our MYP science journey together, you were wide-eyed beginners just dipping your toes into the vast world of science. Now, as you wrap up your first year, you have grown into such thoughtful, skilled young scientists.

I am continually impressed by your ability to take complex information, break it down, and make connections between different concepts. You approach new material with curiosity and ask insightful questions. Through your experiments and investigations, you have learned to think both creatively and critically. It brings me such joy to see the lightbulbs go on as real understanding takes root.

As you move forward into your next years of MYP science, maintain that excitement for discovery and learning. Challenge yourselves to delve deeper into topics that intrigue you. Keep practicing synthesizing what you know and using evidence to form new ideas. I can’t wait to see how much more you will learn and accomplish!

Wherever your paths may lead after MYP, I hope you continue finding wonder in the mysteries of our amazing natural world. You are the future of science Wishing you all a wonderful summer break!