Happy New Year

Áth bhlíain shona duit

(Aw . Vlee-an . sunah . gwith)

This week in Grade 7, we got straight down to business with reflection and goal setting. Students began by using our 4-square graphic organizer to plan for writing their End of Semester Report Reflection passage. It was really inspiring to see how committed most of our students were to the process. One of my biggest takeaways from this week was noticing how much deeper students are going when thinking about their learning successes, and areas for growth.  Their written reflections on these things are as much evidence of impact, as any number grade. They are the outcome of Learning to Learn through explicit attention to processes and the IB ATLs ~ essential pathways towards becoming agentic, lifelong learners. These plans will now be edited by students, and crafted into final draft passages before, finally, uploading them to Managebac next week.