The many pathways of exploration   

Welcome back to the grade 7-8 cohort for science. It is wonderful to be face-to-face again! It has been great to meet the newbies on the block – the grade 7. It is an exciting transition for these kids to the MYP program. We have spent the week getting to know each other and to begin to understand the process of work for this year.        I am happy to say that I will continue to teach science to the grade 8s. We know and understand each other – but there will be greater demands placed on them this year in terms of independent scientific study and reporting.

The process of science is rather messy although the answers we seek are specific. This week we used this tool (illustration) to plan a scientific study. We also examined the criteria and rubrics used for assessment. We should be  starting with our first units next week.

I look forward to the coming year and let’s hope that socially and globally life is going to be better!