MYP music students are currently using the following concepts and statement of inquiry to guide their studies…

This unit of inquiry prompts students to take a historical view of music and inquire into how different composers in different eras represented different images and themes in their music.

Students are currently inquiring into the music of the Baroque and, having discovered the stylistic techniques of this music, are beginning to create their own Baroque concerto.

What actually is a Baroque concerto?

A piece of music for solo instrument and orchestra, of course!

Students had one homework assignment where they were asked to create a melody over their chosen chord progressions. Having brought this work, students brought it to the next level by adding instruments used in Baroque concertos and ‘exploding’ their music onto theses instruments. When the instruments include both the bass clef and alto clef in addition to the treble clef, this was quite an intensive task!

The students really rose to the occasion and you can see how much their work developed over the course of the lesson! Well done to them.

This student documented the change in one slide of her process journal
Student 2: beginning of lesson
Student 2: end of lesson
Student 3: beginning of lesson
Student 3: end of lesson