Who is not fascinated when presented with images or videos of the brute forces of nature. Floods, volcanoes, meteorites, glaciers, tornadoes, tsunamis. All these words inspire wonder and amazement that nature can behave in these ways with such devastation and terror. By learning how and why these events occur, we can deepen our understanding of them even though we may not be able to prevent them happening! We may however, be able to predict these events in some way
s and this could help prevent too many lives being lost! The study of the earth and it atmosphere is closely linked and leads us naturally to explore the physical sciences (chemistry and physics). By understanding the forces of nature, we can progress to the microscopical world of the components that is our world. Please engage with your children about these topics. there are many great resources at hand on the internet, Netflix, various and TV channels. Curiosity and an inquiring mind, if nurtured and encouraged, will lead to critical thinking that is so lacking in the world today.