Our Middle Schoolers shared their first choreographed piece today at Primary Assembly.  All up seven compositions were shared with the school.  The students were asked to do the following:

1. Choose a message they wanted to communicate (Expressive Intent)

2. Develop a group of steps that would recur throughout the dance for their motif and would clearly demonstrate their Expressive Intent

3. Develop a second motif that contrasted the first but also demonstrated the Expressive Intent

4. Manipulate both motif A and B to create an A-B-A dance form where they returned to motif A at the end of their piece

5. Choose a piece of music after they started that had no words but would make sense with their Expressive Intent.

The students did really well for a first go and can be congratulated for their success!

No videos this week, there have been problems with uploads.  I will let you know when they are posted.  If you would like a copy of your child’s dance, email me at c.saunders@abisoman.com