University support

G12 students are making good progress in narrowing their university options. Most are about to start filling applications, so expect a bit more anxiety over the coming months. Mr Howes has been supporting them in this process. Please contact him if you have...

MUN starts next week

When I think of MUN at ABIS, I am proud of our students and their enthusiasm, leadership and ambition. model United Nations is an opportunity for students to learn research skills, debating protocols, and teamwork. But at ABIS, MUN is run by our students. So every...

Upcoming events

Upcoming Events Wednesday 18th, Community Dance will be held at lunchtime in the Mazoon building. Friday 20th, Swim Meet at ABIS. All swimmers welcome to join. Please let Nautilus know if you wish to enter by contacting Ms Julia on 94794794. Coffee Morning Thanks to...

Getting to know your child

Advisory sessions are about ensuring that your child is known personally and meaningfully by their advisor. Your child’s advisor is your first point of contact regarding concerns about your child’s health and well-being. Please be sure you contact the...