Band project – Grades 8, 9 and 10

A message from Mr. Hemmans: The G8-10 Band students have been working hard on this project and had to learn new music skills during the home study/quarantine period; particularly the ability to perform with a click track. Performing with a click-track requires the...

Addendum to Leaving Teachers

Along with the previous announcement we would like to let you know that Wesley Hemmans will also be moving on at the end of this academic year. And …….. Mr C tells me he has been here eight years. Sorry Mr C!

Distance Learning continues at ABIS

Dear Parents, The announcement by the Supreme Committee that schools are to close on Thursday brings with it an end to the school year that we would not have chosen. We would like to thank you, our wonderful ABIS community, for your ongoing support of your child and...

Star Wars Day tomorrow, May 4th

Tomorrow, Monday is May 4th. Traditionally in ABIS we celebrate this day as Stars Wars, May the Force Be With You. If we were in school we would dress up as a character from Star Wars. We are encouraging students to dress up on Monday, take a photo and share with your...