by Jonathan ADAMS | Jun 15, 2020 | News Flash
Distribution of End-of-Year REPORTS: For families returning next year, we will be distributing digital reports by email by Thursday and a printed copy will be available in August when school reopens. For families who are leaving ABIS this year, we will have printed...
by Atul ALEX | Jun 4, 2020 | Front Page, News Flash, The Head's Blog
As we wrap up the school year, we need to collect any resources that your child(ren) has been using at home. We will be coordinating the collection for Tuesday and Wednesday (June 16 and 17) with several times to choose from. Resources to return to the school include...
by Neil TOMALIN | Jun 1, 2020 | News Flash, The Head's Blog
We would like to ask you to spare 5 minutes to fill out a survey letting us know how well you feel we did this year. The survey is easy to use and easy to understand and we really want as many people as possible to give us feedback. Please click on the link below:...
by Michelle SIMPSON | May 21, 2020 | News Flash
ABIS continues to offer learning opportunities online and we appreciate all of those of you who are supporting your children during this time. Our teachers have been collecting feedback from your children in an effort to give them some voice and choice over their...
by Michelle SIMPSON | May 20, 2020 | News Flash
Dear Parents, Eid Al Fitr holidays have been announced in Oman. Eid will begin on Saturday May 23rd and will end on Tuesday May 26th. ABIS’ Voluntary Distance Learning Programme will resume on Wednesday May 27th. Eid Mubarak
by Michelle SIMPSON | May 11, 2020 | News Flash
Dear Parents, The end of the year is fast approaching and it has been a year like no other. ABIS will continue to offer a solid Distance Learning programme until the end of our planned year. Thanks to all of those parents who completed the survey sent out last...