Monday, Monday

Morning Meeting This morning’s Exhibition Meeting was all about sharing potential musical plots as Grade Six considers writing a musical for the Presentation part of the Exhibition. Students looked at commonalities of their plots as well as finding with Ms. Camp...

Composing for the Recorder

Grade three students are working busily to learn to play the recorder. Part of that includes reading notes – both for pitch and rhythm – on the music staff and putting the correct fingering together. We’re spending a lot of time with our first three...

The Music Staff!

Grade 2 students are learning to read – read music, that is. We’ve learned the letters in the music alphabet, and now are learning where they fit on to the music staff. Ask your second grader to perform “The Music Staff” chant for you. Make...

Monday Morning Meeting

Today’s meeting grade six, Ms. Camp and Ms. Saunders started considering the Performance part of the Exhibition. Please see the minutes below. Morning meetings!!!!! Exhibition performance!!! Ideas on what to do for performance. Discussion on what idea we will...

Recorder Karate

Look out parents! Your children in grades 3, 4 and 5 are studying karate! Recorder Karate, that is. Based on the belt system of karate, as students progress in their playing ability, they are able to test for a Recorder Karate Belt. There are 4 levels in our Recorder...