by Ann Gaillard | Oct 24, 2018 | Front Page, Grade 9, IGCSE
Last Tuesday, Mr. Mwita’s IGCSE Grade 9 class was spotted conducting different experiments with Mr. Avila’s Grade 4 class in order to find out whether each experiment resulted in either physical or chemical change. Sulaiman mentioned that the fourth...
by Ann Gaillard | Oct 24, 2018 | Front Page, The Head's Blog
On October 22nd, eight members of the General Directorate of Private Schools led by Dr. Sanna Al Sinani came to visit ABIS. The MoE delegates and the ABIS leadership had the chance to discuss the IB programs being implemented at ABIS, as well as how the school is...
by Elizabeth WANGWE | Oct 18, 2018 | ECC, Front Page, The Grades
This week k2 students continued with sense of touch. They played fun touch games and described different textures,they enjoyed making their touch books with soft,hard,rough,smooth ,bumpy and scratchy materials they also explored their sense of touch through painting...
by Nisreen KHALIL | Oct 18, 2018 | Front Page, Grade 2
This week, students learned about the concept of gift, and the influence of the gift towards people through the lesson of reading (gift), and then the students exchanged gifts between them. The students rejoiced in this activity.
by Liezel BOSHOFF | Oct 18, 2018 | ECC, Front Page, The Grades
We do lots of activities to help strengthen the fine motor skills.
by Mohannad BARAKAT | Oct 18, 2018 | Front Page, Grade 3
The students of the third grade used to play and jump to choose letters and Arabic words. Each one of them expressed this in a different way. The goal was to strengthen the listening skills of the students. Then they practiced writing skills.