Week 38

Congratulations to the Grade 1 students for the dedication and focus they have given their learning throughout the year. They can be very proud of both their personal and academic growth. Learning the power of ‘yet’ and persevering with challenges has helped to...

Week 37

This week we are very grateful to Ms. Sanaa and Grade 6 students for organising the Primary Art Exhibition. It was wonderful opportunity to get creative and have our faces painted. We also contributed to the Grade 3 Bake Sale by purchasing some of their tasty treats...

Week 36

This past two weeks the children have worked cooperatively together to monitor and adjust the growing conditions of seeds. They observed and evaluated the best growing conditions for their seeds. Please see some pictures of our learning in action.

Week 36

Another busy week of learning has passed. This week we have been investigating the characteristics of living things in our world. We have been reviewing time, looking at o’clock and half past. The children completed some colourful sun and night art pieces to...

Week 34

Congratulations to all Grade 1 students who enthusiastically participated in both the Swimming Gala and the lower primary assembly. It has been a fantastic celebration of learning, where students have demonstrated their growing maturity and dedication to their...