
Well done to our beautiful dancing snowflakes. You were amazing. The students have been busy this week publishing their own stories and solving maths word problems. They have also been reflecting on the their mapping knowledge.

National Day Celebrations

This week the students shared their Omani culture with us and had fun celebrating in school. In UOI we were working on following cardinal directions. If you can download a compass onto your phone for your children they can practice their skills. They have been...

A wonderful assembly

Well done Grade 2, with only 3 days to prepare and practice you all showed great commitment and courage to ensure that you gave your best performance. I am very proud of you. So sorry the photos will not post I hope you all have some good ones.

Picnic Time

It was lots of fun this week with Mother tongue Monday and the house picnic. Thank you to all those who sent food in to share. We even had a visiting theatre company who came to entertain us this week. Aysha, Rayan and Alice were lucky enough to be asked to be their...

A short but busy week

This week we were focusing on using 2 of the reading strategies we have learnt. We were using our ‘who and what’ for understanding and looking for ‘chunks’ in words. In UOI we have been recognising and identifying the features of maps of our...