Dystopia in the News

We have finished our first unit! The film unit is now done, students submitted their final assessment, spent some time reflecting on their learning, and, now, we are ready for our next unit. Our next unit revolves around reading the news. We will be examining how...

Managing in a time of IAs

We are entering the stretch of diploma year 2 that sees many of their internal assessments coming due. Over the next two months, there will be drafts, data collection, finals and more than one all-nighters to get it all finished. This can be a very stressful time for...

Cinema Visit

We are approaching the end of our first unit in grade 10 English. After weeks of examining how film is constructed, learning the language of film techniques and film criticism, our students will now have the opportunity to apply that criticism to a film. We will be...

First assessment coming up

We have had a wonderful start to the year for grade 10. We are analyzing films and this has been both engaging and fun. With the diagnostic exam finished and several weeks of study completed, we are now just finishing our first assessment. The students have chosen a...