G6 Week 16 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, This week has been another busy week.  Please see below for notices and notes on our week 16 in review. Homework This week we have marked homework from the last week and a half and with positive results.  For those studying hard and that...

G6 Week 15 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, This week has been another busy week.  Please see below for notices and notes on our week 15 in review. Homework Because of the short week, current homework will go over both this and next week and will be marked on Thursday the 9th of...

G6 Week 14 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, This week has been another busy week.  Please see below for notices and notes on our week 14 in review. Homework Please remember that there is homework every day except over the weekend. It is important that students are reading, writing and...

G6 Week 13 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, Happy 51st National day of Oman and Welcome to our week in review for week 13. This week has been another busy week. Please see below for an overview of what we have been up to in Grade 6 🙂 It was great to see so many of our students in...

G6 Week 12 in Revie

Dear Parents and Students, Another busy week.  Three Way Conferences It was great to meet so many parents as part of our three way conferences this week. Students were excited and proud to share their learning portfolios and their goals with you. It was nice to...