Starting a New Inquiry Path

We recently captured special moments of kids practicing self-management and social skills. It’s great to see them grow! Grade 1 also had a great time expressing what they already know about stories through an open-ended learning experience as we launched our new...

More learning and fun in Grade 1!

Grade 1 had a great time using playdough to story tell as they shared equally and learned double addition facts to 20 and corresponding halves. They were also busy starting a pattern book to describe their self-management and social skills and setting a new...

We are bucket fillers!

Grade 1 enjoyed sharing a kind message with a friend this week. We described how it felt to receive and give a special message to someone and reach out to new friends. The children also identified and used straight, curved, thin, and thick lines as they explored...

What makes me special?

This week, the children enjoyed sharing what they wrote about what makes them special. We noticed similarities and differences and celebrated diversity!

Who We Are

Grade 1 has successfully established new routines and classroom agreements and has learned the importance of staying safe at school and practicing social distancing. We are enjoying our inquiry on who we are, making friends, and the impact of our choices. The children...