Patterns in nature and seeds

We had a week full of learning in different ways. Interesting observations were made and new questions bloomed to guide our inquiry on how living things depend on other living things.

Sharing The Planet

We are happy to be back face to face once again! This week we started our transdisciplinary theme, Sharing The Planet. The children sorted living and nonliving things according to what they know and think, they measured the length of items around our space using a...

Transdisciplinary learning

We made a sediment jar to understand sedimentary rocks and a mineral experiment to observe how minerals form. The children have written their observations in their journals and were challenged to use their creative thinking skills and explore making a mixed media art...

Celebrating and Learning

The last two posts did not publish due to technical difficulties. Here’s a bit of what we’ve been doing in Grade 1. Enjoy! Making a model of earth’s layers with play dough.