In preparation for official IGCSE and IB exams, which kick off at the beginning of May, we will conduct a round of mock exams from Jan 10-21. 

For all the work we do in class and for all the assignments students complete at home, the best any to prepare Grade 10 and Grade 12 for the pressures of the exams is to replicate the experience. That’s why during mock exams the students will sit through a full-length practice exam for every IGCSE and IB test.

This will be a very compressed two-weeks, particularly Jan 17-21. Rather than spread out over a month (like the real exams) the mock exams will be packed into less than half that time. Organization, sleep, and diet will be very important for our students’ emotional state and performance. Mock exams, to say nothing of the May exams, naturally mark a time of increased stress and it will be important that students, teachers, and parents work together to help G10 and G12 reach their full potential. 

Students have received the mock exam schedule, a document that also includes input from teachers about specific topics to revise and resources to consult. 

We strongly encourage students to make the most of the winter break for their exam revision. With January 10 quickly approaching, the time to get serious is now. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Thompson or Mr. Kearney with any questions about mock exams or how ou can support your child.