
This year in French, the Grade 9 will use a textbook and a lot of authentic online resources to make their learning relevant and interesting. Here are the 4 assessment criteria for the summative tasks: A Listening, B Reading, C Writing, D Speaking. Here are the 5 units they will be studying: (ask their help for the translation ;-)!) – Qu’est-ce qui se passe dans ma vie? / Quelle est mon identité culturelle? / A quoi sert l’école? / Es-tu curieux? / Qu’est-ce que la solidarité humaine? All these unit are key as they are part of the big themes on which the students will be assess in the E-assessment at the end of grade 10. So what we do this year is very important. We are going to have a great year!

(Excuse the formatting of this message – I had a picture but couldn’t upload it)