The Grade 9 Individuals and Societies class had a great week exploring the IB Learner Profile and taking a deep dive into our first unit of study (The League of Nations and International Peace). We began the week with a self inventory of the Learner Profile attributes. Students were encouraged to identify strengths and areas for improvement within each attribute and to explore the importance of embodying these traits as an IB learner. Additionally, each student set a specific goal related to the Learner Profile that we will revisit and reflect upon throughout the school year.
The rest of the week was spent focusing on our conceptual understanding of our first historical unit. The League of Nations and International Peace is a unit that explores the ways in which the effectiveness of governing systems can determine the outcomes of conflicts. Our case study for this concept is the Interwar Years between World War One and World War Two. Next week, students will be working on the first formal formative task in I&S. This task will assess student knowledge and understanding on the challenges faced by the Weimar Republic in Germany in the immediate aftermath of World War One. Students may choose from a range of options to present their learning including creating a podcast/radio broadcast, a newspaper spread, a series of blog posts, or writing and delivering a speech. Additional details and task performance expectations can be found on Google Classroom and ManageBac.