After 4 years + of hard work, perseverance and hours of practice, the Grade 12 French students are about to take their final French speaking exam. They are expected to describe a picture, make personal connections about it as well as connect it to a theme and to the francophone culture. They will also be answering questions to show how well they can use the language and how well they know the many francophone cultures. They are expected to be speaking for around 14 minutes! I know they are ready for this!

A lot of work has already gone into preparing for this exam. From acquiring the necessary cultural and language content to being able to adapt and transfer key language skills depending on the picture and questions. The students have another 2 weeks to be fully ready and give their absolute best in order to sound French! No pressure at all!

Wish them all the best if you see them around, or say ‘merde’, the French way to wish good luck!!!