Dear Students,

As we come to the end of this year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible progress you’ve all made in Mathematics. It has been a year of growth, challenges, and learning, and I am proud of the effort and dedication each one of you has shown.

Grade 8: We’ve explored topics in scientific notation, algebra, and basic geometry. It’s been exciting to see your understanding of these concepts deepen, and I am confident that the skills you’ve built will serve you well in the future.

Grade 9: From quadratic functions to inverse functions, this year you’ve tackled complex mathematical ideas and worked through some very interesting problems. Your ability to reason through these concepts is impressive, and I look forward to seeing how you continue to apply this knowledge.

Grade 10: It has been a year full of challenges as we explored more advanced topics like domain and range, composite functions, and quadratic functions. I hope that the skills you’ve developed will support your growth as mathematicians in the future.

Grade 12 A&I: Your commitment and perseverance in studying advanced topics have been commendable. From calculus to statistics, you’ve been exposed to high-level mathematical thinking, and I’m confident you are well-prepared for your final exams and the challenges ahead.

As we head into the long vacation, I encourage you to take the time to relax and recharge. Remember that learning never truly stops, and I hope you continue to engage with mathematics in a way that keeps your skills sharp.

Enjoy your break, and I look forward to seeing all of you back in the next academic year, ready for new challenges and discoveries!

Best wishes