Dear KG 2 Families,

We want to express our gratitude to all the parents who booked appointments for the Student-Led Conferences (SLC). It was wonderful to meet with you and your child, and to be a part of their ongoing learning journey.

This past week was particularly exciting for the kids, especially those who are new, as it marked their first week of swimming lessons. It was a positive experience for them; they thoroughly enjoyed the swim and had a great time. The swimming lessons infused each of them with a sense of joy and happiness.

We’ve captured some special moments from this week in pictures, which we’re excited to share with you. These moments are a testament to the progress and enjoyment your child is experiencing in our program.

Thank you once again for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education.

Warm regards,

Ms. AlJabri , Ms. Maryam &  Ms.Juhaina