Dear Parents and Students,

Good afternoon and Welcome to the end of week 28. 

This week in math students continued to develop their skills in utilising a number line to help them solve problems. For this they were working on decoding word problems, taking out the important information, ranking and placing rational numbers on a number to share their mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills. 

For home learning, on google classroom students have been asked to consolidate their in class learning and as always it is important that students maintain and revise their basic facts for instant, accurate recall. Students will have their next basic facts assessment very soon.

For integrated language and UOI, students continue inquiring into the central idea: ‘Flight inspires scientific innovation.’ 

Students completed practical experiments including a balloon jet racer and levitating ping pong balls to better understand the principles of flight. This week students also continued to work on completing their  scientific report. This is Due on the 7th of April. Please do talk with your children about this as a point for conversation and to gain insight into what they are learning about in class. Yes, there were lots of identified flying objects in class this week and loads of fun learning conversations about the dynamics and forces involved in flight.

School Events – Important Dates

  • Barcelo Resort: G6 overnight trip to Al Musannah = Now a day trip on Tuesday the 16th of April  (Please see the hard copy notice that came home on Tuesday for more details. This form is now due for return.) 
  • Student-Led Conferences = Monday & Tuesday, April 22 – 23, 2024
  • Progress reports = 11th of April To Be Confirmed (TBC) This to coincide with the first date of Eid Al Fitr
  • End of year MOE Exams = OSS – May 28, Arabic – May 30, Islamic studies – June 1

A pictorial review of the week

Please take some time to check out our review of the week in pictures and video by clicking on the following link.  Week 28 photos, 

Home Learning – aka Homework

The maintenance of home learning reading/ writing and mathematics is important in consolidating fundamental skills. Please continue with this as a routine.

Worth Repeating:

Please remember…

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson and Andrew Wetzel