We had had a very busy and varied week in Grade 2SB. The main focus has been on creating a plan for our complex machines, and then building our machines using at least two simple machines based on given criteria. The students have worked in teams of 2 or 3 and have done an excellent job of collaborating, communicating and problem solving. Please have a look at the photos and videos below.

Prior to building our complex machines, the students needed to describe a problem they could solve with their machine, write up the materials needed and how their two simple machines would work together. Once their machines were built, they worked together to present their complex machines to the rest of our class.

In maths, we have been working on adding numbers to 20 and working with numbers greater than 100. Over the holiday, please have your child review and practise their number bonds to 10 and 20.

We also visited the Grade 6 PYP Exhibition which was amazing! We attended the Grade 6 opening ceremony, which included an overview of their learning journey and a beautiful song about unity. The Grade 2 students listened avidly to exhibition teams present their inquiry on a variety of topics, such as: motor sports, Norse Mythology, Art as social change and Gender equality in sports. It was such a great experience for us to see and listen to Grade 6’s presentations.

To all the parents who sent in treats today for celebrating Qaranqasho, thank you very much. As you can imagine, the children have been very excited and many have worn their best outfits to school today, which look wonderful! Be prepared! There are many treats being brought home today and should last your child some time!

Enjoy the upcoming holiday and safe travels if you are travelling.

Please find photos and videos here.