Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the end of another busy, productive week.

Please see below for a review of our week in pictures. (Please click the link below for this).

Grade 6 Week 14 in pictures: 2023 2024


Thank you for supporting this and for sighting and signing this every week.

Reading, Writing and Inquiry

This week students have completed their inquiry into the evolution of technology over the last 100 years. Students presented on what some of these advancements have been as well as what these have meant to us as people. Learners have also continued to read in their book clubs looking into themes and the relationships of power between the characters in their books. Students have also continued to work on their literary essay connecting with their texts and providing evidence for their claims. Students will publish their work as part of their Seesaw reflections this week. Please do talk with them about this. There is some excellent thinking and learning evidenced here and students will be proud to share I am sure. 


This week students have been reviewing their work on ratios, unit rates, fractions, decimals and percentages by taking an open book assessment as well as a Number Knowledge assessment.

Upcoming Events:

First Semester Final Examinations 2023

Thursday 7th December  Social Studies 9:00am – 10:30am 

Sunday 10th December  Islamic Studies 9:00am – 10:30am

Thursday 12th December  Arabic 9:00am – 10:30am

Our Winter Concert is next Thursday, December the 7th, at 11:45.Worth Repeating

Worth repeating:

A number of students came to school this week without their ipads or with uncharged ipads. 

Please ensure that these are charged and at the ready to use as learning tools, on a daily basis. Thank you.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson and Andrew Wetzel