Dear Secondary Parents

Thank you to all of our parents who were able to attend the 3 Way Conferences this week. It is always a pleasure to welcome parents into school. Building partnerships in your child’s learning journey is vital and it is particularly effective when the student takes the lead in the meeting. Students will now have specific goals to focus on and I look forward to seeing their continued progress.

We have a busy few weeks ahead, and I would like to remind you of events happening next 2 weeks;

Monday, 13th November (6:00 – 7: PM): Musical Performances by our Diploma Music students – (see Newsflash for further details)

Tuesday 14th November (8:00 – 9:30 am): Combined Secondary / Primary Coffee MorningĀ 

Sunday 26th November (6.00 – 7.00 pm): Diploma information evening for Grade 10 students and parents

Monday & Tuesday 27th & 28th (4.30 – 9.00 pm): Inter-Schools Middle and High School Basketball tournament (more details to follow)

Have a lovely weekend

Andy Cooper