Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to a review of our first week back after the term 1 break. We have had a busy, productive week and have enjoyed our learning. 

It was also great to see those of you that were able to attend our House picnic, House assembly and of course our PYP Exhibition information event. 

If you were unable to attend, please see below for a link to the information shared during our PYP Exhibition meeting.

2023 2024 G6 PYP Exhibition for parent info event

Please see below for a review of the week in pictures and below that, notices and highlights…

Grade 6 Week 10 in pictures: 2023 2024

Reading and writing

This week our readers and writers have worked on writing an exposition or a piece of writing where they express their feelings about a topic of their choice. Examples of this are; that fast food such as KFC and McDonalds is bad/ unhealthy for you, pollution is bad, video games are bad for you and so on. In this piece students were asked to state their opinion and then back up their claim with evidence.  We will mark their work this week and  then conference with students about this next week.  This week students also began their book clubs where they are reading books and analysing themes within the books to uncover and explore social issues within books. This is a very interesting unit. Again, please talk with your children about what they have been doing for reading and writing this week. We have had some great learning discussions and it would be great if they could share their learning with you.


This week in Math, students have focused on revising their basic addition, subtraction,  multiplication and division ready for their assessment next week. Within their Ratio unit, they have also progressed into solving problems involving unit rates, creating ratio tables, adding and dividing fractions as well as graphing these operations on a coordinate plane. Students are being challenged in this area and seem to be enjoying this learning. 

Integrated UOI

This week students continued to work on an introduction to our newest UOI. This is as below. 

Transdisciplinary Theme: 

How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea:

The evolution of technology impacts the way people communicate.

Inquiry into:

  • Tech tools for collaboration and self-expression
  • Impact of evolving tech tools on the lives of people
  • Digital citizenship

Key Concepts: Connection, Responsibility, Function

Related Concepts: Purpose, Ethics, Choices, Decision-making, Structure, Communication, Expression

Students were asked to do a pre-assessment in the form of a title page showing what they know about the subject and then worked to unpack the central idea, lines of inquiry and the concepts related to this unit. 

We have had some very good discussions about this already and again I am sure that your children would be only too happy to share what they have been doing in class with you. Please do talk with them about this. Our feature image today is an example of one of our students title pages for our How We Express Ourselves – very creative. Thank you Floris.

Home learning/ Homework

Thank you for your continued support with home learning. As a minimum, homework should consist of reading and mathematics and take no more than one hour per day. Students are provided with a home learning task sheet to complete every week however if they are unable to complete this please write a note regarding this on their homework books and continue to sign this as a record that you have sighted their books. If you have any questions about home learning please do not hesitate to contact us about this.

Thank you.  


As you are aware our Three Way Conferences are scheduled for next week Nov 7th, 8th and 9th. This is a type of conference where students, teachers and parents come together in order to discuss students’ progress and goals. We are looking forward to meeting you formally during these conferences. Please click below to sign up for your conference and ensure that your child attends the conference with you.

Conference sign up form for Mr Nicholson

Conference signup form for Mr Wetzel

Worth Repeating

Thank you.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson and Andrew Wetzel