As we prepare for the upcoming Student Led Conferences, students have been thinking about the qualities and behaviors they need in order to be successful learners. We have been reflecting on our recent reports and developing SMART goals. Reflecting on the IB learner attributes has been a helpful part of this process. IB students recognize that, in order to learn and grow, they need to be inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, knowledgeable, principled, open-minded, caring, balanced, and reflective.

Being knowledgeable means learning about different things and using that knowledge to understand the world around us. Inquirers and thinkers ask questions and solve problems. Good communicators who are open-minded can work collaboratively, and learn from people who have different backgrounds, languages and ways of seeing the world.

Being principled means doing what is right and being a good human. Being caring and a risk-taker means being kind to others and not being afraid to try new things. Being balanced and reflective means taking care of ourselves and thinking about how we can become better every day.

All of these attributes help us become successful, life-long learners.