This week we have been developing our fraction knowledge in Maths, learning to order fractions and find a fraction of a set or number. We have discovered that knowing our halves and doubles facts can help to solve some fraction problems.

We were very excited about performing in ‘The Greatest Show’ on Tuesday night. Not only were we proud of our performance, we had a great time watching the performances of other grades too. It was awesome to be part of a show involving so many students. Afterwards some of us wanted to perform the show again.

When some Grade 6 students asked if we could make some little artworks to depict our culture this week, we were happy to help out. After creating our culture boards earlier in the year, this was very easy for us. The hardest part was choosing just one image to reflect our culture.

We enjoyed learning about how to fix a puncture in a mountain bike tyre today. Some of our reading groups have read about different types of bikes and Mr Isles kindly extended our knowledge with a practical demonstration.