Grade 1 Big Day Out.

We love Oman Week! Sunshine, scenery, ancient forts, wadis with hot water – and ice cream! And suddenly Grade 8 appeared! Thank you to our amazing helpers. We had a fantastic Big Day Out!

Getting crafty in Grade 1

Creativity was the order of the day in Grade 1. Throughout the day we worked on 7 projects which explored the crafts and culture of Oman. There was weaving, pottery, stitching, Kunjar and traditional clothing design, mosaics and sweet making. Let the pictures do the...

Maths in ‘real life’.

We have been thinking about why we learn maths. Is it just to ‘get better’ or are we practicing skills that we will really need to use? When we thought about it we realized that maths is all around us! Here are some of our ideas. . .

We are thinkers.

We have been using our thinking skills to help our learning. Problem solving at maths time: What information do we already know? What do we want to find out? Will we use; ‘guess and check’, ‘act it out’ with equipment, or ‘draw it’ with a picture or diagram to look...