Ramadan Kareem

Dear Parents On the gracious occasion of the start of the Holy Month of Ramadan, we would like to wish all of you a happy, healthy and peaceful Ramadan. We hope all of us can find some inner peace in these challenging times. Ramadan Kareem!...

Earth Day 2020

This is part of our Action for Exhibition JJ & Nijhaan Grade 6 What you can do Plant something. Stop using bottled water. Switch lights off from  2:00-6:00 pm. Don’t use water if not needed. Update lights to led lights. Recycle items that will be thrown out....

Ramadan Information

Dear All, Ramadan is fast approaching and is likely to begin on Friday or Saturday. As we are already engaged in online learning it is expected that those observing Ramadan will still be able to complete their learning tasks at a time convenient to them. Teachers have...

How Are We Doing?

Dear Parents, In an effort to see how we are doing with our online learning we ask that you take a few minutes to complete this short survey. If you have more than one child you can simply click on the link a second or third time to submit multiple responses. The...