Loud Ladybirds and Bouncy Bumblebees!

We have had a noisy couple of days thinking about our sense of hearing in FEY. We have made our own musical instruments, exploring how different pulses in different quantities change sounds. We played musical instruments and moved to music. We have experiment with...

Stinky socks

This week we have been busy thinking about the sense of smell, on Monday we sorted food smells that we liked and disliked. On Tuesday we built upon this and recorded preferences pictorially. Today we went a stage further and tested how many things we could recognize...

Toast testing tests

The Ladybirds and Bumblebees have had a couple of busy days making toast as part of our UOI “Common Sense”. Yesterday we worked in groups of four to spread different toppings on each slice. We then shared these so we had a taste of each slice and decided...


Bumblebees and Ladybirds have been busy making popcorn. We used all of our senses during the process. Each group then thought about what we had found out.