House we built for a biome

This week students in Grade 2 showcased their research, group and presentation skills. They worked together to finish up building their model homes, completed their research paper which included the method of building their homes. They worked collaboratively to...

Building houses

This week has been our first full week back at school after the long winter holiday. We have been very busy with school photos, working with our teams on designing homes for our unit of inquiry plus a writing assessment. In literacy this week, we have continued...

Welcome back and welcome to 2025!

I hope you had a restful and family fun-filled holiday and are anticipating a happy and healthy 2025! We started our first week back in the new semester a bit busy and a bit slow. Mondays are the days where we have lots of different specialist subjects and spend less...

Ready for a holiday!

What a week its been for Grade 2! We’ve had our Primary Sports Day, attended the final bit of Secondary Sports Day and attended a full assembly. Along with all these special events, we’ve continued with our learning. In literacy, we continue focusing on...