Shapes Rocks with Grade 4

Grade fours have been learning about shapes’ names in Arabic. They used a board and dices to play a game where they have to match the shape with its color. It was a real fun and helped learning the shapes faster. ^__^

Sports with Grade 5

We started learning a new topic with grade 5 which is about sport. We have learnt sports’ names in Arabic, how to say if you like a sport or not and some verbs related to sports. We chose the gym as the most suitable place to talk about sports. Make sense,...

Grades 2 and 3 are playing “Smack the Hand”

“Smack the Hand” is one of the most famous folk games here in Oman, where the kids sit in circle and each student slightly smack the hand of the next kid saying a number or a word. This week, the students in grades (2) and ( 3) applied this game in...

Welcome Arabic Mother Tongue Speakers

This year we would like to welcome our new teacher, Sahar Ibrahim. Miss Sahar is the new ATM (Arabic Mother Tongue) teacher at our school. She has a BA in Arabic language and literature and more than 12 years of experience in teaching Arabic at schools in Egypt and...