I Made a New Friend

“I made a new friend!” was a comment made by one of the Grade 4 girls after on Wednesday.  That was the day we had 15 students come and visit us from Al Kawkaba School in Suwaiq. Following the devastating cyclone last October, Grade 4 students wrote...

Spices through history

Grade 4 students are learning about explorers at present.  As part of this we have looked at the reasons that people explored and one of these was to trade with other people.  Spice was an important thing that people wanted to buy from the far away countries in which...

Where, EXACTLY, are you?

As part of our Unit of Inquiry about explorers, Grade 4 students have been learning mapping skills. Yesterday we turned a shady chess board into a coordinate grid and put themselves in the square which matched the coordinates they were given. We also had compass...

A Mem Fox-athon in Grade 4KL

Wow the Grade 4KL students have been working hard these last 4 weeks.  Being online is hard.  There have occasionally been wifi troubles which make it hard to hear the teacher and iPad troubles which students had to work around but gee they have tried their best and...