Mrs Al Jabri Week 7

Week 7 13/10/2022 Dear KG2 Families, Our little learners are very eager to share their learning with you and are working really hard to get ready for our assembly which will take place on Thursday, the 20th of October. Please come and join us to celebrate their...

Mrs.AlJabri Week 6

Week 6 6/10/2022 Dear KG2 Families, Another busy week for our little learners.  Watching children coming to school with happy, smiley faces is a pleasure. Again this week, we continued to celebrate our students’ names through our Star Name learning engagement. The...

Mrs Al Jabri KG2

Week 5 29/09/2022 Dear KG2 Families, Another busy week for our little learners.  Watching children coming to school with happy, smiley faces is a pleasure. Again this week, we continued to celebrate our students’ names through our Star Name learning engagement. The...

Mrs.AlJabri KG2 Week 4

22/09/2022   Dear KG2 Families It is difficult to believe that we are about to leave our fourth week behind us. Before we know it, October is going to be at our door. It is amazing to observe how much our little learners have improved and developed an...

Mrs.AlJabri KG2

Week3  15/09/2022 Dear KG2 Families, What an amazing and busy week we had. We had lots of fun with our friends during our choice times and engaged in  a variety of learning/play invitations like painting, constructing, lego, cutting and playing with playdough. We...