Wow! What a year!

Dear Grade 2 parents, A huge thank you for all your kind words and support throughout the year. You have no idea how much your words mean to me! I love your children very much and really enjoyed teaching them this year. We had such a great community in Grade 2 this...

Types of Maps

This week students worked in partners and researched a different type of map. They described the details and purpose of their chosen map and used their thinking skills to infer who would use their map and why. Students presented their learning to their classmates and...

Latitude and LongitudeĀ 

We continued our inquiry into maps and how we can use them to locate places. We watched a BrainPOPJr video to learn more about maps and recorded our learning in our inquiry journals. We then read 2 short paragraphs about latitude and longitude and made notes to answer...