New tools for distance learning

We have a great collection of distance learning apps that students and teachers are starting to appreciate on a whole new level. In secondary, teachers are finding that SeeSaw and Webex are very powerful tools for keeping in touch with students. With both teachers and...

Cheers to our ABIS community

We have received praise from the MOH and MOE for the measure we have taken and we acknowledge that parents have played a big role in maintaining a sense of calm. Thank you. G10s and 12s are encouraged to stay after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to complete practice...

Challenges? We got this!

CoronaVirus has offered many challenges, but we have taken proactive steps to minimize the disruption to learning. Thank you for the continued support of our whole community to encourage good health and hygiene practices. Teachers continue planning for face-to-face...

Cabaret 2020 Ticket Sales

ABIS is holding its sixth Cabaret, with a “Red Carpet” theme. Ticket sales will begin on Wednesday, the 4th of March, in Atrium of LC3, before and after school. The annual event will take place in the Mazoon building.  Be sure to get your ticket soon since there is...