Week 9

Every day, our young students excitedly check off the days they’ve completed in Grade 1. Today was the 43rd day of the school year. As we gathered together, we celebrated not only how much they’ve learned, but also how they’ve grown socially. I feel...

Week 8

The students are excited to share their reading achievements with you. Each day, they diligently work on honing their writing and reading skills in the classroom, and we have witnessed progress every day. We encourage you to continue fostering a love for reading at...

Week 7

This week, our students continued developing their understanding of numbers up to 20. Many of them are now able to count independently, and we took the next step by practicing skip counting in groups of 2. I wanted to share some photos from this engaging activity,...

Week 06

Each week, the Grade 1 students visit the school library, a wonderful time to boost their enjoyment of reading and nurture their love for books. Reading aloud at home plays an important role in this. By reading regularly, you not only expand your child’s vocabulary...

Week 5

This week, two Grade 4 students visited our class to teach us all about recycling—what can and can’t be recycled, and how to tell the difference. Thanks to them, we now know how to check packaging to see if it’s recyclable. We’ve also learned where the recycling...